English Literature Coursework

Developing a Perfect Structure for Your Academic Assignments


Don’t you dream of making good grades in academic assignments? YES! Then what is stopping you from this? Is it your fear of failure? Again YES! Okay, don’t worry and don’t go anywhere. This article is for you. Students often don’t perform well in their assignments. It is always not due to their internal fear of failure, but sometimes they don’t follow the right structure of an assignment. After reading this article, you will be able to produce some good academic assignments. I will be discussing tips along with the examples needed to structure your assignment perfectly.

According to the dissertation writing service firm, Before moving on towards the tips and tricks, you should follow. Let’s discuss a bit about academic assignments. An academic assignment is a written piece of information submitted as a part of academic activity. Students often find assignments confusing to write. The assignments help students in learning writing and researching skills. They also broaden the understanding of the students on a particular issue or topic.

Elements of an Academic Assignment

There are three elements of a good academic assignment. Now we will be discussing each part separately.

1.      Introduction

The introduction of an assignment comprises the crucial background about the topic under study. In simple words, we can say an introduction is the thesis statement of an academic assignment. In the introduction part, you should also highlight the importance of your study.


The spread of the internet has had a huge impact on our society. It has also affected the world of education. The use of the internet in academics is on the rise. There are also debates happening all around the globe on its use as a learning tool. In academia, the professors who did grow up with the internet say that its effects are alarming for youth. This concern is sometimes misguided. The crucial benefits of the internet outweigh the negatives.

In the example above, you can see that at the start is the statement of the topic. After that, the author provides background information on the use of the internet in academia. This is how you structure the introduction part of your assignment.

2.      Body of the Assignment

The CEO of essay writing service firm said that the body is the longest part of an academic assignment. This is where you tell your readers about your ideas and analyze those ideas in the light of the evidence you have. The situational analysis can be of two types.

PESTEL Analysis

Researchers use a PESTEL analysis framework to analyze the macro factors affecting the overall study. Macro factors vary from topic to topic. There are no general factors. But the word PESTEL is the abbreviation of some words. These words are;

P: Political

E: Economical

S: Social

T: Technological

E: Environmental

L: Legal

SWOT Analysis

Researchers also perform a SWOT analysis on academic assignments related to planning and strategy. A SWOT analysis organizes everything and presents it in the form of two by two grids. Sometimes you may think you have all the information, but SWOT analysis will force you to think in other ways.

SWOT stands for;

S:  Strengths

W: Weaknesses

O: Opportunity

T: Threats

3.      Conclusion

The third and last element of developing a good academic assignment is writing a conclusion. It is also considered the most difficult part of an assignment. A good conclusion brings the reader back to the main point and reminds him of the purpose of the assignment. It would help if you did not repeat the ideas of the assignment instead summarised the ideas. The conclusion is the summary place of all of your thoughts and arguments about the topics.


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Chronological and Non-Chronological ways

There are another two ways of developing a good academic assignment. Now in this section, we will be discussing those two ways.

1.      Chronological Method

A chronological method is another way of structuring your academic assignments. In this particular way, an assignment shows the sequence of events in which they occurred. To explain things chronologically, you will have to make consistent use of transition words. The transition words are first, next, then, finally etc. It is necessary when you are describing the historical background of events.

For example, “a major earthquake hit the Kashmir region of Pakistan in 2005. Subsequently, another earthquake hit the same region in 2020”. This is how you explain things in a chronological method.

2.      Non-Chronological Method

A non-chronological method of doing an assignment is simply the opposite of the chronological way. Things can come in any order. There is no need to take care of the order of events.  There are many non-chronological methods which include;

  • Contrast and Comparison
  • Effect and Cause Method

These methods can also prove to be effective in structuring a good academic assignment.


There are also some tips and tricks which you can follow. These tips include;

1.      Follow the Guidelines

Every assignment has some guidelines attached to it. It can be a separate page along with the assignment, including all the information about the assignment. The guideline page has information on writing style, font style and grading information as well.

2.      See the Rubrics Page

One mistake that many students do is they forget to read the rubrics page of the guidelines. The rubrics page contains all the information on grading policy and word requirements. Sometimes, the percentage of sections is also given on this page.

For example, your instructor tells you that the introduction part of your assignment has a 15% weightage. In comparison, the body of the research methodology section has 50% weightage. So, it means you should not spend much time and word count on the introduction. Rather utilize your energies on the research section, which is 50% in weightage. Hence, always keep in mind the grading policy of the assignment.


There are a lot of things required to produce a sound academic assignment. The tips and tricks mentioned in this guide are not the final words. You should search for other ways too. I hope this guide will help you in perfectly structuring your academic assignment.

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