WordPress Plugins for more traffic

WordPress Plugins for Google Stories to Get More Traffic

After creating the website and sharing the valuable content, the next step is to drive traffic to your website. Its reason is that if visitors are not visiting your website, all of your efforts will be wasted. You can’t use any hack to drive traffic to your website. You can drive traffic to your website either from the search engines or from the social media sites. Search engines are the best ways to drive enough traffic to your website. To drive traffic from the search engines, you will have to rank your website in the search results. To improve the ranking and drive enough traffic on the website, the website developers install lots of plugins like Yoast SEO, Bloom Email Optin and OptinMonster etc. Now, Google has also launched a WordPress plugin under the name of ‘Google Web Stories’ to drive traffic to your website.


What is ‘Google Web Stories’ plugin?
This WordPress plugin is available in the new form of the AMP. If you install this WordPress plugin on your website, this plugin will share content for the viewers in the form of small pages. These small pages share the content in the form of small chunks. Each page of the Web Story will not exceed from the 10 words. The pages of a Web Story should be in between 4 to 30. This WordPress plugin also allows the publishers to monetize their web stories. They can monetize their web stories in different ways. They can monetize the web stories with the affiliate links. They can also monetize their web stories with Google Ad Manager or Google DV360.


These Web Stories are specially designed for mobile users. Its reason is that mobile users want to consume content at a glance. They can also consume the content on the way. This WordPress plugin is available in the form of open source. Moreover, it is also free to use for all publishers. Most of the publishers will think that why the main focus of this plugin is on mobile users. They should know that Google is trying to provide the best user experience to users. As mobile users are increasing day by day. That’s why it’s main focus is on mobile users rather than desktop users. That’s why Google tries to introduce new features to provide the best user experience to users. For this reason, Google is also giving importance to those websites in the search results which are mobile-optimized.


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Benefits of Google Web Story:

The publishers are adopting the web story format. Its reason is that this web story format is helpful for the publishers to feature web stories. These web stories are featured attractively. After featuring web stories for mobile users, the publishers can drive a significant amount of traffic to their websites. Google has started to show web stories on Google News and Google apps. These web stories are attractive to visitors. When visitors see these web stories, they are attracted to these stories. It means that these stories are helpful to get attention and attraction of the visitors.


Google Web Story as a WordPress Plugin:

Google Web Story is available in the form of a WordPress plugin. The main aim of this WordPress plugin is to help the publishers. Its reason is that Google knows that it is difficult for publishers to drive traffic to their websites. By using this WordPress plugin, the publishers can easily drive traffic to their websites by using the feature of Web Story format. The most important benefit of this plugin is that it is available in the beta format. Now, its final version is not available on the internet. Experts of a Dissertation Writing Services firm told that it is expected that its final version will be available on the internet till the end of this summer. Anyhow, its current version is still helpful for the publishers. In the current version of this plugin, there is no animation and page attachment support. In the final version of this plugin, all the features will be available. Moreover, the final version of this plugin will also be smoother than its current version.


Snackable Content:

Along with the texture content, its support is also available for the videos. According to Google, it can add only 15 seconds of videos into the Web Story format. These videos should be available in the form of snackable content. These videos should also have feature subtitles. The publishers should shoot the videos in the portrait mode instead of landscape mode. Its reason is that these kinds of videos are displayed on the full screen in mobile devices. You should also add captions in these videos. When you add captions in these videos, you can read the videos along with watching these videos. The main concept behind this presumption is that readers can read the text along with watching the videos. This kind of feature of the videos will be helpful for the viewers at the public places. Its reason is that at the public places, it is difficult for the viewers to hear the voice of the videos. Under such a situation, you can read the subtitles of the videos instead of hearing their voices.


For Google Web Stories, Google has provided some recommendations. The font size of the content should be less than 24 points. In each page of the Web Story, there should be less than 200 characters. The long form of the content will be available for the readers in the form of an attachment link. This is the best technique to drive enough viewers to your website. After clicking on the Web Story, the readers will be directed to your website. If you want to engage the readers in the content of your website, you will have to share the best quality content. Its reason is that with the help of Web Story, Google can only send viewers to your website. If you want to engage these viewers in the content of your website, you will have to create interesting content for the viewers. You should also make sure that the design of your website should also be appealing for the viewers.

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